P.O. Box 50030 London, ON N6A 6H8 info@rett.ca (519) 474-6877

Taysha Gene Therapies Update

An Investigational Approach to Gene Therapy for Rett Syndrome

November 2022 Community Update

Taysha Gene Therapies is pleased to share this presentation to provide an overview of its investigational gene therapy approach to Rett syndrome and the first gene therapy clinical trial in females living with Rett syndrome—the REVEAL Adult Study. Taysha would like to thank the entire Rett community for their collaboration and support. For more information, please visit clinicaltrials.gov or email medinfo@tayshagtx.com.

Remembrance Day

On this Remembrance Day, on behalf of the board of directors at O.R.S.A., we honour all the fallen service members, and to all those who continue to serve, we remember you. We are thankful for the freedoms we have because of their sacrifice.

Click on our digital poppy below.

Light Canada Purple Submissions

We would love to see your photos of iconic locations or local supporters that were lit purple for Rett Syndrome. 

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Allow file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .img | Maximum file size is 10 MB.
Allow file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .img | Maximum file size is 10 MB.

RUN4RETT Silent Auction

The 2022 Silent Auction is now closed. Thank you to all that participated and supported the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association this year. O.R.S.A. met 43.5% of the goal, raising $2,175.00. Payments are coming in and the items are being packaged and will be shipped in the next 3 – 5 days. Of course there are some participants that opted to pick up their items. Those have been packaged and many have already been picked up.

Thank you for supporting O.R.S.A., together we are building healthy tomorrows.

Light Canada Purple Video

We are excited to share our new video and hope you share it with family and friends.