P.O. Box 50030 London, ON N6A 6H8 info@rett.ca (519) 474-6877

Recruiting New Committee/Board Members

O.R.S.A. is looking for new board members & committee members The Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (O.R.S.A.) is a volunteer, not-for-profit charity for parents, caregivers, researchers, medical professionals and other interested support agencies and individuals. Its Board of Directors… Read More

Linking genetic findings to clinical symptoms in Rett syndrome

In 2014, the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (O.R.S.A.) Board of Directors had unanimously approved the funding of a $50,000 Research Grant to a joint grant application from Dr. Juan Ausio (Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, BC) and… Read More


                            INVITATION TO PARENTS AND FAMILIES: WE NEED YOUR HELP…. Communication services and support for individuals with Rett syndrome: What are your experiences of communication services? What support for communication do you receive? What are the communication… Read More