P.O. Box 50030 London, ON N6A 6H8 info@rett.ca (519) 474-6877

O.R.S.A. Advocating for Canadian Families since 1991

Many thank to the International Rett Syndrome Foundation @rettsyndrome.org for hosting the 2024 ASCEND family conference. It was wonderful and heartwarming to re-connect with families, friends, health care professionals and Industry. We are excited to announce our continued… Read More

FLASH (AAC) Camp Update!

The weekend of May 19 – 22 was an extra special one for O.R.S.A! Our amazing first-time partnership with an AAC camp proved to be wildly successful. FLASH (Family Literacy and AAC on the Shores of Huron) Camp… Read More

CHEO Clinic Update

Click here to be directed to up the most up to date information.